Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Five Whole Days

This weekend was a huge first for our little family. Ethan went to Ohio to visit the in-laws for FIVE WHOLE DAYS! It was the first time since he's been out of the hospital that he's been away from us for more than a few hours. Ethan got to go to the Apple Festival and hang out with his Uncle Jacob and his future girlfriend, Jenn. He also got to meet some of their good family friends for the first time. I know Ethan enjoyed all the attention and I'm pretty sure his grandparents had fun as well. I don't think they were quite ready to give him back at the end of the weekend!

I was able to get a lot done around the house such as cleaning and organizing some stuff and Jonathan and I were able to go out Saturday night and go shopping for winter clothes for Ethan. We didn't realize how few pants and long sleeve shirts he had until just this past week when the weather started getting cooler. We decided he probably couldn't make it through the whole winter with the 2 pairs of pants and 5 long sleeve shirts he had so we bit the bullet and spent the money. We actually had a lot of fun looking at all the cute clothes and trying to find the best deals. Jonathan even got into it! However, even though we thoroughly enjoyed our little break, we were so ready and excited to get him back Monday night. It's amazing how fast they can change in just a few days. He is now crawling so much faster and doesn't have to think about what body part he needs to move next at all. He now just takes off and is gone!

Ethan relaxing with Grandma and Grandpa Crowder

Ethan with his Uncle Jacob

Ethan having fun with Grandpa

Ethan at the Apple Festival with Grandma

Ethan watching the clown make his balloon dog

Saturday, September 19, 2009


I don't know what that means but Ethan kept saying it over and over and over today. I had him in his jump-a-roo today, which he is not supposed to be in and I would be in HUGE trouble if his PT knew but he loves it so much, and he was having the time of his life jumping and talking to me. Here are a few videos for you to enjoy. If you know what he's trying to say, let me know!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Septabulous Saturday!

On Saturday, Ethan got to experience his first fair. Since I had to work in the food tent, Ethan got to hang out with Grandma and Grandpa and they hit all the attractions. They started off with face painting, then they hit the petting zoo, and finally the ball pitt before nap time came around. I think Ethan enjoyed himself, but I know for sure that Grandma and Grandpa did.

Ethan with his face painted up like a cat. It didn't last long due to him rubbing his face against people.

He got to look at the little ponies

He wasn't too impressed with the pig

His first time petting a horse

His first experience in a ball pitt. He liked it until he realized he couldn't really roll over or crawl.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Uncles Are Great!

This weekend, Jonathan's brother and his girlfriend came for a visit. Ethan absolutely loves his Uncle Jacob how he plays with him. However, as much as he loves Uncle Jacob, I really think that he has a serious crush on Jenn. He may give his uncle a run for his money.

Jenn playing with Ethan

Wake up Uncle Jacob!

Super Ethan!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Done, Finished, No More!!!!!!!

The above picture is Ethan at 6 months old. It is how he has slept for the past almost 9 months. He has slept with oxygen (which is supposed to be in his nose, not between his eyes) and a monitor for his breathing reps. and his heart (you can see the wires coming out of his outfit). However, as of today, he no longer needs either of them!!! A couple of weeks ago he had his last and final sleep study in which we go to the hospital and they hook him up to about 20 different wires and tubes on his head and face and they monitor everything on him while he sleeps. Today his pulmanologist called with the results and said that everything came back completely normal so we no longer need to use them! The bedtime routine just got so much easier!

Ethan's New Car Seat

Ethan finally moved up to a big boy car seat. Weight wise he is still good to fit in his little infant seat but he is getting so long that his feet were starting to hang over the edge. Therefore, we decided to bite the bullet and buy him a new car seat. I decided to take a picture to document his first ride in it. He was pretty impressed by it as you can see!

Ethan's new car seat